Printouts: Set of documents for a graduate School of witchcraft- for Potter-head fans

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Set includes the following documents: Certificate of graduation from the School of Wizards, Store Map, Letter of invitation to the Campus, Newspaper, Hogsmeade Map

School graduation certificate is printed on birch paper, natural color

Document format: A4 sheet

Printing: color

Paper: kraft


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Printouts: Set of documents for a graduate School of witchcraft

The first document in the set is the Letter of Acceptance, a parchment sealed with a wax stamp bearing the school's emblem. This letter, delivered by a magical owl, invites the recipient to embark on a journey of learning and adventure at the revered School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Accompanying the Letter of Acceptance is the Enrollment Form, a scroll of parchment where students must provide their name, date of birth, and magical abilities. 

Next in the set is the School Uniform Guide, a detailed list of required attire for students, including robes, wands, cauldrons, and other magical supplies. 

The set also includes a Course Catalog, a comprehensive booklet outlining the diverse subjects offered at the school, from Potions and Charms to Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. 

Lastly, the set features a Campus Map, a hand-drawn parchment revealing the layout of the school grounds, including enchanted forests, mystical creatures, and secret passageways. 

Printouts: Certificate of graduation from the School of Wizards, Store Map, Letter of invitation to the Campus, Newspaper, Knockturn Alley Map

As graduates of the School of Wizards, students receive a Certificate of Graduation, a parchment document adorned with intricate symbols and the school's official seal. 

Accompanying the certificate is a Map of the School's Wizarding Store, a guide to the magical items available for purchase, from spellbooks and potion ingredients to enchanted artifacts and mystical creatures. 

The Letter of Invitation to the Campus serves as a formal invitation for graduates to return to the school for special events, alumni gatherings, and magical exhibitions.

In addition to the letter, graduates receive a copy of the Daily Wizard Newspaper, a publication filled with news, updates, and features on the latest magical discoveries, events, and controversies in the wizarding world. 

Lastly, the set includes a Map of Knockturn Alley, a dark and mysterious street in the magical world known for its shops selling cursed artifacts, forbidden potions, and dark magic supplies. 

Printouts, Map, Magical Artifacts, Paraphernalia for Potter-head fans

For Potter-head fans who immerse themselves in the magical world of Potter, acquiring a set of printouts, maps, magical artifacts, and paraphernalia is a dream come true. These items not only serve as mementos of their love for the series but also transport them into a realm of fantasy and enchantment inspired iconic novels.

The set of printouts includes replicas of iconic documents from the wizarding world, such as The Marauder's Map, a magical parchment that reveals the secret passageways of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Potter-head fans can pore over this map, tracing the footsteps of Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger as they navigate the halls and corridors of the magical school.

Accompanying the printouts is a beautifully illustrated Map of Alley, the bustling shopping district where witches and wizards procure their wands, broomsticks, and magical supplies. This map allows fans to explore the charming storefronts and hidden gems of the wizarding world's most famous shopping destination.

With this set of printouts, maps, magical artifacts, and paraphernalia, Potter-head fans can immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Potter, where magic, friendship, and courage intertwine to create a timeless tale of wonder and imagination.

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