Privacy Policy

I. What are personal data

Personal data are any information relating to a designated or identifiable data subject. The data subject may be identified directly or indirectly by reference to a number, code or one or more elements specific to its physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity. Personal data include, in particular, the contact details of individuals, their IP address, which may be information about the use of services or the activities and preferences of the individual. The protection of personal data is regulated by   Act No. 122/2013 Coll. And no. 18/2018 Z.z. On the protection of personal data and with effect from 25 May 2018 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR").

II. What is personal data processing?

The processing of personal data is any operation or set of operations which the controller or processor systematically carries out personal data, automatically or by other means, in particular by collecting, storing, accessing, modifying or altering, searching, using, transmitting, disseminating, publishing, storing , exchange, sorting or combining, blocking and disposal.

III. To whom you give your consent

Operator, Ing. Bratchenko Andrey

ul. Polna, 23

90026, Slovensky Grob, Slovakia

IČO: 52088596

 VAT. SK3120414539

Operator is a person doing business under the Trade Licensing Act, who operates the e-shop and determines how personal data will be processed and for what purpose.

If you want to contact us in any way, please email


IV. What personal data we process

1. Customers' personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the purchase contract and the requirements arising therefrom in the scope of: name, surname, address, e-mail, telephone number, IČO, DIČ, IČ DPH. We process this data for the duration of the purchase agreement and the legal obligations.


2. Personal data provided by persons interested in receiving e-mails, newsletters, special offers for the purpose of sending them to the extent of:

- name, surname, e-mail, postal code

- the consent may be withdrawn at any time by means of the opt-out link contained in each message sent

- we process this data while operating


3. Personal information sent in the comment to show your comments and spam checks to an extent

- email, name, surname, phone, zip code

- we process this data while operating


4. Personal data sent in forms for the purpose of obtaining a specialized service, participation in the competition, to the extent

- email, name, zip code

- we process this data while operating


5. Automated data collection - If you use our website, we may collect data about your visits to our website and the use of our services. This data includes your IP address, behavior on and their use.

- We collect this information automatically through "cookies" or tracking technologies to provide you with the best possible service and content.

- We process this data for 1 year


V. Your Rights

If we process your personal data as controller, you have the right to contact us at any time, to exercise the right to access and correct the data we process.

If you have doubts that we are processing your data lawfully, you may request clarification or correction of the erroneous condition, in particular to request the blocking, correction, supplementation or destruction of personal data or the complete deletion of such data.

VI. Data security

We will treat your personal data responsibly and in accordance with applicable legislation. Both automated and non-automated means are used to process personal data. All data is stored on secure servers. We protect personal data to the greatest possible extent by using modern technologies that correspond to the state of the art.

VII. To whom personal data may be disclosed

We are authorized to provide this information to the appropriate governmental authorities, as required by law, and you understand it.

We pass on personal information (cookies) to Google and Facebook using analytics and tracking technologies. Our employees have access to the data (eg customer service, online support, technical support).

In the future, if we choose to use other applications or other processors to facilitate and improve processing, we promise to place at least the same security and quality requirements on the processor as at the time these policies were adopted.

VIII. Affidavit

We do not work with any sensitive personal information, ie. personal data that speaks of national, racial or ethnic origin, political attitudes, trade union membership, religion and worldview, criminal convictions, data subject's health and sex life, data subject's genetic data, or biometric data.

We comply with the information obligation under the Data Protection Act.

We allow the exercise of your rights under the Privacy Act.

We fulfill all other obligations of the information system operator and personal data processor pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act.

IX. Final provisions

By continuing to use our site, you express your free, concrete, informed and unambiguous consent that you have been aware of the processing of your personal data in accordance with this policy and that you have been properly informed about the processing of your personal data.

We are authorized to unilaterally change the privacy policy in accordance with applicable law and you agree to this authorization.

If we change our Privacy Policy, we need to notify you in advance by email, with a link to the new policy where you can print or save it electronically.

The privacy policy is published electronically and is accessible on the website.


The Privacy Policy comes into effect on 21.05.2019



This website uses cookies to provide services, personalize ads, and traffic analysis. By using this website, you agree.

A cookie (cookie, wafer, biscuit) in HTTP refers to a small amount of data that servers send to a browser. This will store them on the user's computer.

The browser then sends this data back to the server each time you visit the site. Cookies are commonly used to differentiate individual users, storing the contents of the “shopping cart” in e-shops, user preferences, etc.

Technically, this is a series of codes according to which the browser collects and then sends information about our behavior back to the server.

Cookies contain information on how long the browser should keep them (from one-time to several years).

Cookies are not directly linked to your name or email address, but often contain your login information. They are common to one browser installation. Cookies are not secured in any way, including collected data.

 Find out how Google uses cookies here