Advanced course of 4 School books: Wizard school

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Set includes 4 school books:
Monstrous book of Monsters, Theory of magic, Dark Arts Defence: part 2, Lies and the life of Albus
Format: A5, 148 x 210 mm
Binding: hard (matte lamination)
inner sheets - matte coated paper with a density of 115 g/m.
The books are sewn and glued with high quality and will last for many years.

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Advanced Course textbooks Harry P.: 

In the realm of wizardry education, the pursuit of knowledge is a cornerstone for budding sorcerers and witches alike. Among the essential tools for any aspiring magic-user are textbooks that serve as guides through the intricate world of spellcasting and magical theory. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into four advanced school books that provide unparalleled insight into the mystical arts: The Monster Book of Monsters, Theory of Magic, Dark Arts Part 2, and The Life and the Lies Albus.

The Monster Book of Monsters is a captivating tome that focuses on the study of magical creatures, both gentle and fierce, that roam the wizarding world. Its pages are filled with detailed descriptions, illustrations, and instructions on how to handle and care for these creatures. From majestic Hippogriffs to mischievous Nifflers, this book immerses readers in the fascinating world of magical beasts.

Theory of Magic delves deep into the underlying principles and concepts that govern the practice of magic. From the fundamentals of spellcasting to the intricacies of magical theory, this textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the rules and laws that shape the world of wizardry. Students will find themselves engrossed in its pages as they uncover the secrets of the mystical arts.

Dark Arts Part 2 delves into the forbidden and dangerous aspects of magic, exploring the darker side of wizardry. This textbook sheds light on dark spells, curses, and rituals that are not to be taken lightly. As students navigate through its ominous pages, they must tread carefully, for the knowledge contained within carries great power and responsibility.

The Life and the Lies Albus is a biographical account of one of the most enigmatic figures in wizarding history, Albus Dumbledore. This book delves into the life, achievements, and controversies surrounding the renowned wizard, offering insights into his complex character and the choices he made throughout his storied career. Readers will be captivated by the revelations and revelations that unfold within its pages.

The advanced school books of The Monster Book of Monsters, Theory of Magic, Dark Arts Part 2, and The Life and the Lies Albus offer a comprehensive and immersive exploration of the magical world. Each book provides a unique perspective on different aspects of wizardry, from magical creatures to dark magic and the enigmatic figures that shape the wizarding realm. For any aspiring sorcerer or witch, these textbooks are essential companions on the path to mastering the mystical arts.

Textbooks Potter - Handmade

There is a certain allure to books that are not only filled with magical knowledge but are also crafted with care and attention to detail. For true connoisseurs of wizardry literature, nothing beats the charm of handmade textbooks. In the world of Potter enthusiasts, handmade books hold a special place, offering a unique reading experience that transports readers into the magical world of spells and enchantments. Let's explore the enchanting world of handmade textbooks that cater to the discerning tastes of Potter fans.

Harry Standard Textbooks

Harry P., the Boy Who Lived, has inspired generations of readers with his magical adventures School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Central to Harry's education at Hogwarts are a set of standard textbooks that form the foundation of magical learning. From charms to potions, these textbooks provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the intricacies of the magical world. Join us as we uncover the essential Harry Standard Textbooks that are a must-have for any aspiring witch or wizard.

Handmade Books, Textbooks: The Best Gift for Potterheads Fans

For fans of the wizarding world, there is no greater pleasure than immersing oneself in the magical lore of Potter. Whether you're a die-hard Potterhead or a casual admirer enchanting universe, handmade books offer a unique and cherished way to revisit the beloved stories of Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Handmade textbooks, crafted with care and attention to detail, make for the perfect gift for Potter fans of all ages. Let's explore why handmade books are the ultimate treasure for those who hold the magic close to their hearts.

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Who published the textbooks for the magic school?

Potter's TextBooks of our own making. Those very rare editions, full versions. All is readable. Not blank pages like other shops.

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